Why Shouldn’t You Ignore a Crack on Your Windshield?
It’s a common problem; someone kicks up a rock on the drive, and it bounces off your windshield, leaving a chip or crack. So, what do you do? Can you safely ignore minor damage on the windshield, or should you have it looked at just as soon as possible? Read on with the service experts here at Downtown Ford as we explain why it might not be a good idea to leave it for too long.
Immediate Concerns
Obviously, the severity of the damage to your windshield dictates how quickly you should have it looked at. If the damage from the impact is severe, leaving a massive crack across a significant portion of the windshield, or a spider-web of damage, you should get it looked at ASAP. Likewise, if the damage is directly in your line of sight, you shouldn’t wait. Even if you can see past the crack or chip normally, sunlight hitting the windshield can be reflected into your eyes by the damage.
Long-Term Damage
If you ignore even minor damage to the windshield for too long it can cause long-term issues. First off, the damage can get worse. Canada’s fluctuating temperatures stress the windshield glass, and can cause a chip to fracture into a crack, or a crack to spread across the windshield. A compromised windshield is also at risk of shattering in subsequent impacts – both a minor impact like another rock, or from a collision. Getting minor damage filled quickly can prevent a more costly repair or replacement down the road.
Legal Issues
Hey, did you know it’s also illegal to drive a car with a cracked windshield? At least, it is in Ontario. It’s considered hazardous to operate a vehicle where your vision is impaired, so you could get pulled over and issued a stern warning, or even a hefty fine, for driving with a cracked windshield for too long.
Get Your Windshield Repaired in Toronto, ON
Don’t let a damaged windshield wait! If yours has suffered any damage, even minor chips or cracks, visit us today so we can get those filled as soon as possible. Trust the service experts here at Downtown Ford in Toronto, ON for all your windshield repair and replacement needs!