Getting your oil changed is one of the most common reasons to take your vehicle in for service. While it may seem very routine, you may not realize it’s also one of the most important things you need to do to keep your engine running smoothly and efficiently. So, when should you be looking to get your next oil change, and just why is it so important to your engine’s longevity? Read on with the team here at Downtown Ford, as we look at how clean oil can affect your engine’s health.
How Do Regular Oil Changes Benefit My Engine?
When your engine is running, it gets dirty. When particulate matter gets into the engine, it ends up in the oil, which reduces its viscosity. The gummier, grittier oil can cause clogging, and isn’t as good at preventing friction in the engine. More friction means more heat, which increases the danger of overheating. Either way, dirty oil causes the engine stress, which causes mechanical parts to wear out faster, and could lead to the engine seizing up, or breaking down, at an inopportune moment.
Does It Make My Engine Run Cleaner?
Yes, it does! An engine which is running smoothly is also going to be using less fuel to do the same amount of work. This means you get better fuel economy, which could save you a few dollars the next time you need to hit the gas pump. Clean oil is also burning less toxic particulates, which is better for the environment. If your vehicle is belching clouds of smelly blue smoke, you should look at getting your oil changes as soon as possible.
When Should I Get My Oil Changed?
A good rule of thumb is to bring your vehicle in every six months for general maintenance, and this would include a regular oil change. Naturally, if you drive your vehicle more than the average, you should come in more often. Our team can give you an estimated number of driven kilometers for recommended service the next time you come in.
Get Your Oil Changed at Downtown Ford
Here at Downtown Ford in Toronto, ON, our certified service team is ready to help you get your oil changed as quickly as possible, so you can get your vehicle back on the ride. When it’s time for your vehicle’s maintenance, make Downtown Ford your destination of choice!